Release 0.0.8

Release announcement for version 0.0.8

I’m pleased to announce the release of version 0.0.8. Please check the release notes for details, but in short this is an incremental release, with a few bugfixes, adding support for versions of Linux as old as Xenial, and more control over server execution ordering of Scinths via ScinGroups.

The ScinGroup work sets the stage for an important feature, render targets. By being able to render offscreen, and control how a group of Scinths are rendered, the server now has a basis to support VGens that sample rendered images. This in my mind completes an important “cycle” of VGen development, because feedback loops are now possible. On a more practical level, this render target feature enables things like blur shaders and 3D rendering with depth buffers. As a result the first feature planned for 0.0.9 is going to be the render target work detailed in 164.

I’ve moved Scintillator to a monthly release cadence, to simplify release and feature planning. There’s a backlog milestone on GitHub which is where I intend to pull work and move it to a specific release milestone. If you’d like to see a certain feature or issue prioritized, please do shout about it! Your feedback is very important to me. Scintillator has an ambitious road map and a broad feature set. I like working on all of it, so if there’s some feature you have a use case for, or some bug that is keeping you from using the software by all means let me know, most likely I’ll be able to accommodate.