Alpha Release Status

Update on the work progress on the Scintillator alpha release

Alpha Status

I spent much of the past few weeks working on writing documentation for all of the Scintillator SuperCollider language classes. I wanted to make sure that most if not all of the available VGens are documented, and also that there was some kind of overview detailing them.

Things aren’t totally finished documentation wise, including some important pieces like the user guide and overall installation instructions. But I’m going to take a break from working on documentation and turn my attention to the challenges around distributing binary builds of Scintillator on MacOS (#72), and possibly using AppImage on Linux (#76).

After that, I’ll return to finishing up the user guide and other launch-critical documentation, put the finishing touches on the Quark, and then announce the availability of the alpha build more broadly.

Thanks to everyone for the words of support and encouragement during this time.